This was the letter I received: I’m Sofia Ashraf. I wrote and performed the viral music video “Kodaikanal Won’t” that received over 3 million views. I did it to highlight a fight that has been going on for over 14 years.

Hindustan Unilever dumped toxic mercury in the lovely hill station of Kodaikanal, and exposed their ex-workers to its devastating effects. People and the environment in Kodaikanal are still impacted.

Unilever sat up and took notice when my music video went viral, but we have yet to see any real action from them on this. That’s why I’m sending Unilever Global CEO Paul Polman a clear message — I’m tweeting my photo at him to tell him I #WontBuyUnilever until they make amends. Can you join me in doing the same? – I do not buy any Unilever product for personal use…can you do the same ??

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